Marie is lector in economie aan de School of Business van de Atlantic Technological University en promovendus aan de Technological University Dublin. Haar onderzoeksinteresses omvatten de rol van financiële tussenpersonen, monetair beleid, Mkb-ondernemingen en hoger onderwijs. De onderzoeksresultaten van Marie zijn gepubliceerd in Small Business Economics, Economies, International Journal of Social Economics, The All-Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education en International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Review. Voordat ze de academische wereld inging, was Marie markteconoom bij treasury en investment consultants FTI Finance in het IFSC in Dublin, waar haar onderzoek zich voornamelijk richtte op financiële markten. Voorafgaand aan haar dienstverband bij FTI Finance was Marie onderzoekseconoom bij het Economic Research Institute of Northern Ireland.
Marie is a senior lecturer in economics at the School of Business in Atlantic Technological University and PhD candidate at Technological University Dublin. Her research interests include the role of financial intermediaries, monetary policy, small and medium sized enterprises and higher education. Marie’s research outputs are published in Small Business Economics, Economies, International Journal of Social Economics, The All-Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Review. Prior to entering academia, Marie was a market economist with treasury and investment consultants FTI Finance in the IFSC in Dublin where her research was primarily focused on financial markets. Prior to joining FTI Finance, Marie was a research economist with the Economic Research Institute of Northern Ireland and research areas included monetary policy, fiscal policy and the labour market.